Bel canto
- For musikkgruppa, sjå Bel Canto.
Bel canto (italiensk for 'vakker song') er eit musikkuttrykk som viser til kunsten og teorien bak songteknikk som oppstod i Italia mot slutten av 1500-talet og nådde høgdepunktet sitt tidleg på 1800-talet. Han viser til eit ideal der ei ekspressiv og fleksibel røyst blir brukt til å uttrykka vene klangfargar. Rossini, Bellini og Donizetti er dei best kjende eksponentane for denne stilarten. Dei tidlege operaene til Verdi kan også reknast til stilen.[1]
[endre | endre wikiteksten]- ↑ Brisis, Katarina I. de (20. februar 2018). «bel canto». Store norske leksikon (på norsk bokmål).
[endre | endre wikiteksten]- Artiklar
- Bel Canto: Historically Informed, Re-Creative Singing in the Age of Rhetorical Persuasion, c.1500 – c.1830 Arkivert 2021-04-17 ved Wayback Machine.
- Nigro, Antonella, Observations on the Technique of Italian Singing from the 16th Century to the Present Day from the book "Celebri Arie Antiche: le piu' note arie del primo Barocco italiano trascritte e realizzate secondo lo stile dell'epoca" by Claudio Dall'Albero and Marcello Candela. (ref)
- Samoiloff, Lazar S. (1942), "Bel Canto", The Singer's Handbook
- Bøker
- Brown, M. Augusta (1894), University of Pennsylvania "Extracts From Vocal Art" in The Congress of Women, Mary Kavanaugh Oldham (ed.), Chicago: Monarch Book Company, p. 477.
- Celletti, Rodolfo (1983), Storia del belcanto, Fiesole: Discanto (English edition, translated by Frederick Fuller (1991), A History of Bel Canto, Oxford: Clarendon Press, ISBN 0-19-313209-5)
- Coffin, Berton (2002), Sounds of Singing, Second Edition, Littlefield.
- Christiansen, Rupert (15 March 2002), "A tenor for the 21st century", The Daily Telegraph Accessed 3 November 2008.
- Marchesi, Mathilde (1970), Bel Canto: A Theoretical and Practical Vocal Method, Dover. ISBN 0-486-22315-9
- Pleasants, Henry (1983), The Great Singers from the Dawn of Opera to Our Own Time, London: Macmillan Publishers. ISBN 0-333-34854-0
- Rosselli, John (1995), Singers of Italian Opera: The History of a Profession, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-42697-9
- Rushmore, Robert (1971), The Singing Voice, London: Hamish Hamilton. ISBN 9780241019474
- Somerset-Ward, Richard (2004), Angels and Monsters: Male and Female Sopranos in the Story of Opera, New Haven & London: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-09968-1
- Reid, Cornelius L. (1950), Bel Canto: Principles and Practices, Joseph Patelson Music House ISBN 0-915282-01-1
- Rosenthal, Harold; Ewan West (eds.) (1996), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, London: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-311321-X
- Scalisi, Cecilia (November 10, 2003), "Raúl Giménez, el maestro del bel canto"[daud lenkje], La Nación. Accessed 3 November 2008.
- Toft, Robert (1993), Tune thy Musicke to thy Hart: The Art of Eloquent Singing in England 1597–1622. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-2848-9
- Toft, Robert (2000), Heart to Heart: Expressive Singing in England 1780–1830. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-816662-1
- Toft, Robert (2014), With Passionate Voice: Re-Creative Singing in Sixteenth-Century England and Italy. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-938203-3
- Traité complet de chant et de déclamation lyrique Enrico Delle Sedie (Paris, 1847) fragment Arkivert 2011-10-08 ved Wayback Machine.
- Digitalisert materiale
- "Bel Canto" Titles from the Internet Archive (e.g. Lamperti, Giovanni Battista: The Technics of Bel Canto)
- Garcia, Manuel; Garcia, Beata, (trans.) (1894). Hints on singing, London: E. Ascherberg.
- Greene, Harry Plunket (1912), Interpretation in Song. New York: The Macmillan Company.
- Lehmann, Lilli; Aldrich, Richard, (trans.) (1902), How to sing, New York: Macmillan & Co. Ltd.
- Video