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Imelda Marcos

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Imelda Marcos

Fødd2. juli 1929 (95 år)
Statsborgar avFilippinane
Yrkemodell, songar, diplomat, politikar, gründer, sosietetsperson, motedesigner
Utdanna vedPhilippine Women's University
MorRemedios Romuáldez
FarVicente Romuáldez
EktefelleFerdinand Marcos
BarnFerdinand Marcos, Imee Marcos, Irene Marcos, Aimee Marcos
Alle verv
  • Member of the House of Representatives of the Philippines (1995–1998)
  • First Spouse of the Philippines (1965–1986)
  • Member of the House of Representatives of the Philippines (2010–2013)
  • minister (Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, 1976–1986)
  • Member of the House of Representatives of the Philippines (2016–2019)
  • Member of the House of Representatives of the Philippines (2013–2016)
  • First Spouse of the Philippines (1965–1986) Sjå dette på Wikidata

Imelda Marcos (fødd 2. juli 1947) er ein filippinsk politikar. Ho var gift med president Ferdinand Marcos, og var førstedame på Filippinane frå 1965 til 1986.[1][2][3]

  1. Katherine Ellison, Imelda, Steel Butterfly of the Philippines, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. ISBN 0-07-019335-5
  2. Imelda: a Story of the Philippines, Beatriz Francia
  3. Rowan, Roy (March 29, 1979). «Orchid or Iron Butterfly, Imelda Marcos Is a Prime Mover in Manila». People Magazine. Arkivert frå originalen 3. mars 2016. Henta July 23, 2006. 


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