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CommonsTicker[endre wikiteksten]

Dette er eit nytt system som gjer at vi får meldingar om slettingskadidatar o.l. på Commons. Slik kan vi byte ut bilete, eller ta dei vekk frå artiklane med ein gong. Dersom de har tekniske spørsmål, ver venlege å ta kontakt med Dusentrieb, som er ansvarleg for boten. Systemet er ikkje sett opp endå, men det vil kome i næraste framtid. Eg sette meg opp som ansvarleg sidan eg ynskjer denne funksjonen, og ingen andre frå nn: hadde sett seg opp. Sjå elles CommonsTicker og CommonsTicker-diskusjonmeta:. --EIRIK\diskusjon 6. juni 2006 kl. 18:14 (UTC)

Då er systemet klart. Kva synest de? --EIRIK\diskusjon 7. juni 2006 kl. 06:33 (UTC)
Me treng litt fleire peikarar slik at det er lettare å finna t.d. MediaWiki:Common.css. Elles er dette svært god hjelp for å unngå raude peikarar til filer som ikkje finst lenger. Kanskje me skal merka av filer me har ordna opp i? Og arkivera eller sletta tidlegare datoar?
Er det forresten mogleg å legga inn eit punktum etter datotalet i datoen (slik at det står 12. juli i staden for 12 juli)?-- Ranveig 22. juli 2006 kl. 11:04 (UTC)

Har noen eit forslag på norsk namn?[endre wikiteksten]

Som sagt, kva med eit norsk namn? --KRISTAGAα-ω 22. juli 2006 kl. 14:28 (UTC)

Biletvakta. --Ekko 22. juli 2006 kl. 14:52 (UTC)
Eg veit ikkje kor lett det er å endre, eg trur oppdateringsboten er innstilt til å legge inn oppdateringar på Wikipedia:Commons Ticker. Elles var -vakta eit godt framlegg Ekko, men det må i tilfelle verte t.d. «Medievakta» eller «Commonsvakta», sidan det er meir enn berre bilete på Commons. Eg skal høyre med Duesentrieb kva som kan gjerast både når det gjeld denne saka og det du tek opp ovanfor, Ranveig. --EIRIK\diskusjon 22. juli 2006 kl. 16:52 (UTC)
Duesentrieb svarar at han ikkje kan gjere noko med datoformateringa på det noverande tidspunktet, men det er mogleg å endre namn på denne sida? Andre forslag, kva stemmer de for? --EIRIK\diskusjon 23. juli 2006 kl. 15:00 (UTC)
Dato: Takk for at du spurte, det er jo heller ikkje så veldig viktig. Mitt namneforslag er «Filtilsynet». -- Ranveig 23. juli 2006 kl. 15:07 (UTC)
Artig forslag, Ranveig. Dette likte eg! --EIRIK\diskusjon 23. juli 2006 kl. 15:09 (UTC)
Eg stør filtilsynet, kvikt og korrekt deskriptivt (for å seia det med få og enkle ord....) --Ekko 24. juli 2006 kl. 10:54 (UTC)
OK. Er vi einige om «Filtilsynet» då, skal vi flytte sida dit? --EIRIK\diskusjon 25. juli 2006 kl. 13:09 (UTC)
Jau! --Ekko 26. juli 2006 kl. 08:09 (UTC)
OK, då flyttar eg sida når eg får klarsignal frå Duesentrieb. --EIRIK\diskusjon 26. juli 2006 kl. 16:54 (UTC)

CommonsTicker: new version, new features[endre wikiteksten]

Hello. A new version of CommonsTicker will be rolled out soon (probably tomorrow). Please have an eye on what the bot is doing, and report any problems to m:User_talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker. Some of the changes are:

  • the ticker can now post warnings to the talk page of articles that are using "endangered" images. This is not enabled per default, and you can select for which namespaces it is done. If you want this feature, please request it at m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.
  • in append mode, there are now three empty template parameters: status, editor, and notic. The ticker does not use them itself, but you can use them in the TickerEntry template, for example to strike through entries that have been fixed. en:wikinews has already been using this for a while now.
  • if the ticker fails to post an update, a warning is posted to your and the ticker's talk page. In append mode, the ticker will also re-try to post the update on the next pass. Until now, failed updates where simply ignored.
  • edit summaries become a bit more informative.

I hope these changes will help to make CommonsTicker more used and more useful.

On a related note: you may have noticed that on long pages, entries near the bottom of the page are sometimes not expanded but rendered just as {{TickerEntry}} or similar. This is due to a new limit to template expansion - see bugzilla:7005. To avoid it, try to keep the page short and/or try to simplify the TickerEntry template.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 23:18, 20 august 2006 (UTC)

CommonsTicker failed to post update:[endre wikiteksten]

CommonsTicker was unable to post the latest update to the ticker page. This may happen if there is a temporary problem with the servers or the network, or if the page has grown verry big.

If you use "append" mode, please keep the page reasonably short, perhaps by moving old entries that still need attention to a separate page, which could be included in the main ticker page. Note that CommonsTicker will re-try to post the update on the next run.

If you use "replace" mode, please consider requesting a shorter interval (less days) to watch. CommonsTicker will not try to re-post the update, since it will replace the entire page on the next run anyway.

(this is an automated message) -- CommonsTicker 19:33, 4 desember 2006 (CET)

CommonsTicker: Ticker Trouble[endre wikiteksten]


As you may have noticed, there have been some problems with CommonsTicker lately:

  • first, the toolserver was down. After it was back up, we had to wait for fresh database dumps.
  • also, many updates where failing because ticker pages where growing too large. Updates that went through half-way somtimes also caused entries to be posted multiple times, making the problem worse.
  • when I tried to improve performance, I introduced a bug that caused the ticker to post trash sometimes. I disabled the ticker again when I was told about it, and I have fixed all effected pages yesterday (I hope I didn't miss any).

To sort this out completely, I have to rewrite parts of CommonsTicker. For now, I will enable the ticker again for most wikis, but not for the ones that where having most trouble - namely de-wikipedia, en-wikinews, eo-wikipedia, es-wikipedia, fr-wikipedia, ja-wikipedia, ru-wikipedia, simple-wikipedia and zh-wikipedia. I'll have to investigate those more closely.

So please keep an eye on CommonsTicker in the next days - if there is any more trouble, please tell me, preferrably on meta:User_talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker.

Regards -- meta:User:Duesentrieb 14:36, 5 januar 2007 (CET)

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 14:36, 5 januar 2007 (CET)

CommonsTicker: CommonsTicker, The Next Generation[endre wikiteksten]

I am currently testing a new version of CommonsTicker (dubbed CommonsTicker NG) on the german Wikipedia - problems with ticker pages growing too large made a partial rewrite necessary. Most changes are "under the hood", the larges change for users is in the way the ticker page is structured and updated:

CommonsTicker will now create a subpage for each day, and include this as a template on the ticker page. New entries for a given day are added to the respective subpage without modifying existing entries on that subpage. Old subpages (sections) are removed automatically from the main ticker page - per default, 7 sections are kept (days for which there are no entries are not counted). Please check that your ticker page has both start- and end-markers for the region where CommonsTicker should post (see m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Ticker_Page); everything between the markers will be replaced. If the markers are missing, the entire page is replaced.

When I have finished testing CommonsTicker NG, I will activate the new version on the wikis where CommonsTicker is currently disabled due to problems with page size (the large projects I mentioned in the last announcement). When all goes well, I will start to switch other wikis to NG one by one, as seems convenient. If you want the new version soon, or you don't want it yet for some reason, please tell me about it on m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 15:43, 6 februar 2007 (CET)

CommonsTicker failed to post update:[endre wikiteksten]

CommonsTicker was unable to post the latest update to the ticker page. This may happen if there is a temporary problem with the servers or the network, or if the page has grown verry big.

If you use "append" mode, please keep the page reasonably short, perhaps by moving old entries that still need attention to a separate page, which could be included in the main ticker page. Note that CommonsTicker will re-try to post the update on the next run.

If you use "replace" mode, please consider requesting a shorter interval (less days) to watch. CommonsTicker will not try to re-post the update, since it will replace the entire page on the next run anyway.

(this is an automated message) -- CommonsTicker 18:12, 23 august 2007 (CEST)